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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thelonius James Rides Again!

Here at BluePower, we are always on the lookout for what we feel is inspired product. We receive so many CDs that just don't go that extra step to make the music different and unique. This CD is the best of both of those worlds.

Thelonius James Presents The Sunland Chronicles is a piece of work which contains all the elements necessary to make it an outstanding contribution to the world of American music. It has great playing and a sense of humor which can only be attributed to the artist involved.

There is something exciting going on with this record. A spontaneity which transcends most releases today. Trying to explain this is difficult. It's something one has to hear. All we know is that when we listened to the material....we enjoyed it thoroughly.

The Sunland Chronicles runs the gamut musically, stretching from the blues to near jazz. Fine playing and vocals with nothing too heavy or intense. Just a real good feel. Overall....this CD is a lot of fun and a guaranteed party pleaser.

It made me smile.

John Rhys/BluePower.com

Here's the music:

1)...."Popcorn Paws"....Thelonius James....Pick Strum Records
2)...."Step On The Gas"....Thelonius James....Pick Strum Records
3)...."The Blues Is Like A Baseball Game"....Thelonius James....Pick Strum Records
4)...."More Than A Fool"....Thelonius James....Pick Strum Records

5)...."With You"....Thelonius James....Pick Strum Records

6)...."You Give Me Hope"....Thelonius James....Pick Strum Records

7)...."Chicken Pie"....Thelonius James....Pick Strum Records

Produced by....Phil Bloch and Andrew Bush

Click to play....BP CD Review....Thelonius James Presents The Sunland Chronicles!

Click here to go to Thelonius James' new web site!

Click to purchase....Thelonius James....The Sunland Chronicles!