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Sunday, December 06, 2009

BluePower CD Review....8 Ball Aitken....Rebel With A Cause!

 For months now, we at BluePower have been searching for product we could enthusiastically endorse. Though receiving plenty of product, nothing stood out as being new and exciting; that is until we heard 8 Ball Aitken's CD. After listening to it a dozen or so times, I knew I had found the product for which I had been looking.

I remembered back to when I was a young record promo man in the Deep South, hauling boxes of new product into radio stations hoping to get some airplay. In those days, good songs always received significant airplay. The CD we're playing today is what I would then call my "Ace in the hole" because it is an album of great songs. Nothing intense or heavy, just fine writing of  some good-time, heart-felt music.

Hailing from "way down under", 8 Ball Aitken has copped some of Australia's finest music awards. (Check out his website to see all.)  His playing, though straight-forward, is pure and goes to the heart of the music. 8 Ball has done his homework, the man rocks without going over the top. Something which has not been prevalent on the American music scene for some time.

Congratulations to all those involved with this product. It's a mighty fine piece of work!

John Rhys/BluePower.com

Here's the music:

1)...."Hand Clappin' "....Red Prysock....Mercury Records
2)...."Cyclone Country"....8 Ball Aitken....Phoenix Movement Records
3)...."Hands On Top Of The Wheel"....8 Ball Aitken....Phoenix Movement Records
4)...."Black Swamp Creek"....8 Ball Aitken....Phoenix Movement Records
5)...."Yellow Moon"....8 Ball Aitken....Phoenix Movement Records
6)...."The Party"....8 Ball Aitken....Phoenix Movement Records
7)...."Hand Clappin' "....Red Prysock....Mercury Records

Click here to play....8 Ball Aitken....Rebel With A Cause!

Click here to see...."Heart In Heaven And Hands On Top Of The Wheel"

Click here to go to 8 Ball Aitken's website!