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Saturday, September 05, 2009

Hats Off To America's Firefighters!

I have had an up-close and personal meeting with fire. Our house burned down when I was thirteen. I never forgot those brave Firefighters (volunteers I might add) who came just a bit too late to save our little house. Without them, the loss would have been total.

Here in California, we all know the true worth of the Firefighter. We have watched year after year as our forests and hills rage with fire only to be beaten back by these courageous men and women who take their motto seriously and lay their lives on the line day after day.

Even now, the largest wildfire in California's history is burning acres by the handful and is requiring nearly 5 thousand men and women to bring it under control. The Firefighters lost two good men during the fight when overwhelmed by smoke, their truck slid off a narrow dirt road and rolled down a steep, thickly forested hill which was covered in flame.

The victims were fire Capt. Tedmund Hall, 47, of San Bernardino County, and firefighter Specialist Arnaldo "Arnie" Quinones, 35, of Palmdale. Hall was a 26-year veteran, and Quinones had been a county firefighter for eight years. I wish to personally apologize for mis-pronouncing Specialist Arnaldo "Arnie" Quinones name during the program. I should have double checked the spelling.

Not only are Firefighters there when fires break out but they are also a second line of defense for America at home. This is something I did not know. I'm hoping to learn more about the Firefighter's role in national defense.

As for myself....I wish to thank all the fire crews battling to save lives and property as I write. I have relatives whom are Firefighters and have heard the harrowing tales told of unsung heros and friends who are no longer with us.

Thank you Brothers and Sisters of the American firefighting brigades.

John Rhys/BluePower.com

Here's the music:

1)...."The Burn"....Real George....unreleased
2)...."We Didn't Start The Fire"...
.Billy Joel....Columbia Records 3)...."Matchbox"....Matt Lucas....Smash Records
4)...."I'm On Fire"....
Etta James....Chess Records
5)...."Next To Your Fire"....The Pack....Capitol Records
6)...."Light My Fire"....
The Doors....Elektra Records
7)...."Serpentine Fire"....
Earth, Wind and Fire....Columbia Records
8)...."We'll See Sunshine Again"....
Bobby Barth and Blackfoot....unreleased
9)...."The Burn"....Real George....unreleased

Click here to listen to....Hats Off To The Firefighters!

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