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Friday, August 15, 2008

It's The End Of An Era....Jerry Wexler Passes On!

I had never heard of Jerry Wexler when I first listened to one of his productions. I didn't know what went into the making of a phonograph record. At the time, all I did was enjoy what I heard.

There are records today that I can play and receive the same enjoyment that I did when I was young. I can close my eyes and literally go back in time. Back to an America that was just coming back to life after a terrible war.

Although America looked and felt as though she were basking in the shade; relaxing in the afterglow....parts of the USA were pulsating. New York, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Cleveland and New Orleans were full of spirits just begging to be released.

People such as Jerry Wexler, allowed these souls to be free. Gave them credibility and put their money and their companies behind them. As Vice-President of Atlantic Records, Jerry would have the power to break an artist overnight. He made a hell of a lot of hits because he believed in the artist and the song.

Yes....I loved that yellow and black lable with the big A.... spinning round and round.

Thank you Jerry, for being a friend to a kid during the early days of his career. You have brought more joy to this man than you will ever know. Not just because you were a great music man.... but because you were a Mensch.

God speed my friend.

John Rhys/BluePower.com

Click here to enjoy........The Music Of Jerry Wexler!

Click here for Jerry Wexler's Obituary.