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Thursday, April 24, 2008

America's Got The Blues!

If you don't think our country is in trouble, you'd better think again. From spiraling gas prices to corruption in all levels of the government, America is being hijacked by the very people it voted into office.

Just the fact that the war in Iraq has cost the American taxpayer 2 trillion dollars should be evidence enough. The average American must ask himself, "What the hell is going on?" Do you really think we have stopped Al Qaeda? No! We've just created more terrorists.

Yesterday, the Pentagon was exposed for hiring writers to produce copy spinning a positive picture of the war in Iraq through American news media outlets. The major networks, cable channels and newspapers are touting this copy as though it were fact. This alone is completely illegal and should be stopped now.

Rupert Murdoch is attempting to buy Newsweek magazine which would give him control of far too many media outlets in New York City. Murdoch can already spin any situation the way he wants it and who would know. Is nothing sacred?

Airlines, attempting to cut costs, are now running flights with "minimum" jet fuel, causing all hell to break loose in many airports and effecting many of the delays happening today. God forbid one of them runs out of fuel while landing and this situation is guaranteed to make things rougher on the already over-loaded Air Traffic Controllers.

It's time for some major changes; not only in government itself but in all the major departments and bureaucracies. There is no longer the slightest bit of oversight and American citizens deserve better than this.

It's time for a change!

John Rhys/BluePower.com

Here's the music:

1)...."Hard Time Killin' Floor Blues....Skip James....Skip James....Ace Records 2)...."Accidentally Like A Martyr"....Warren Zevon....The Rhys Masters....Unreleased
3)...."Starting All Over Again"....Mel and Tim....Stax Story....Stax

4)...."For What It's Worth"....Jeffrey Osborne....From The Soul....Unknown 5)...."Motherless Child"....Andy Cowan....Troubadour Nights....Unknown 6)...."Working Man's Pay"....Warren Zevon....The Rhys Masters....Unreleased 7)...."Keep On Pushin' "....Rastus....Steamin'....Neighborhood
8)...."You're Free"....Brenda Russell....Brenda Russell....A&M/Horizon

Click here to listen to....America's Got The Blues!

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