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Friday, February 01, 2008

The Creator Of "Susie Q"....Dale Hawkins!

In 1957 I heard a record on WLAC Radio one night that literally changed my life. At that time, I was desperately working on becoming a drummer. I was a fair player but not great and many was the time when I was packing up at the end of an evening (after everyone else in the band had gone home) that I wished I was playing another instrument instead of the drums.

Then I heard "Susie Q." I loved the drum pattern utilizing the bell of the cymbal and the toms but it was the guitar part by James Burton that changed my life.

I had been fooling with the guitar for about three years and at that point I decided to put the drums away and work consistently on the guitar. Of course the band for which I was playing drums immediately got another drummer and I was out of work as a musician for some time.

It took awhile to learn the guitar part on "Susie Q." and I sincerely believe that because of that record I am the reasonable player I am today. I did not give up.

And so....to make a long story short....it was Dale Hawkins who actually breathed life into my budding musical career. Dale was the creator and "Susie Q." was the instrument of delivery.

Last year, at The Ponderosa Stomp, I had the opportunity to speak with Dale Hawkins in a conversation about his life and times.

Dale has one of the largest discographies I have ever seen and has played with every major player in the USA at one time or another. You can check his recordings below. You will be amazed.

Dale Hawkins is one truly fine gentleman and it is a privilege to know him.

John Rhys/BluePower.com

Click here to listen to an interview with....The Creator Of "Susie Q"....Dale Hawkins!

Click here to listen to...."Susie Q"!

Click here to go to Dale Hawkins' web site!

Click here for Dale Hawkins' discography!

If you are an aspiring guitarist....please be sure to check out BluePower's Company Store. We now have our first basic guitar lesson available with more lessons being added soon. Help yourself....and help BluePower as well.

How $5 Could Save The Music Industry!



By Greg Kot


January 20, 2008

In the last few years, the music industry has combated tumbling revenue by suing customers, decimating artist rosters and laying off thousands of employees.

That's not a business plan. That's the sound of the Titanic slipping under the waves.

Click here to read complete article.

Click here for more info regarding the P2P Proposal!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Professional History....Part One!

Many people have asked...."John, how is it that you know so much about the history of American music?" The reason is that I was fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time. I was always lucky that way.

I began my professional music career in 1959 when I was eighteen years old. Actually all I was trying to do was survive, pay the rent and feed myself occasionally.

This show begins with my first jobs in the record business in Atlanta, Georgia. The songs you will hear are those I either produced or engineered at several studios in Atlanta. The first being NRC Studios in Buckhead and, (at that time) a new studio owned by The LeFevres (a gospel group) called Sing Studios.

Every song recorded has a story behind it and I will try to give you an inside view of what occurred with each record and artist.

It always seemed I was in the right place at the right time. I think it was because I loved the music and the people involved so much.

This show goes back to the beginning. It seems like only yesterday.

John Rhys/BluePower.com

Here's the music:

1)...."Hand Clappin' "....Red Prysock....Mercury Records
2)...."Every Beat Of My Heart"....Gladys Knight And The Pips....Fury Records and ABC Records

3)...."Sergeant Preston Of The Yukon"....Ray Stevens....Trumpet Records
4)...."Harlem Nocturne"....Mike Shapiro and The Sharpies....Savoy Records 5)...."Dream Girl"....Arthur Alexander....Dot Records
6)...."Can It All Be Love"....Oscar Toney Jr.....King Records

7)...."Just Like Romeo And Juliet"....The Reflections....Golden World Records
8)...."Hand Clappin' "....Red Prysock....Mercury Records

Click here to listen to....A Professional History....Part One!

Click here to read....John Rhys' Bio!
This document is best read in Word's Reading Layout.

If you are an aspiring guitarist....please be sure to check out BluePower's Company Store. We have our first basic guitar lesson now available with more lessons being added soon. Help yourself....and help BluePower as well.