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Friday, August 10, 2007

An Open Letter From ReneƩ Austin!

So many folks have written BluePower asking if Renee' Austin will ever sing again. This morning, I got on the phone and called several folks connected with Renee to gather their opinions.

Blind Pig Records said the word is, she might never sing again. On the more positive side, Intrepid Artists, (Renee's agency) said they thought there was a good chance of recovery.

We at BluePower have always found Renee' Austin's work to be exemplary and we will continue to play her music until the CDs will no longer play. Thanks Blind Pig for bringing her music to a world who loves her. And to the Man upstairs....please give her another shot.

John Rhys/BluePower.com

Below is an open letter from Renee' to all her fans.


I want to start by thanking all of my friends, family, fellow musicians, and fans for all the love and support you have given me over the years. As most of you know I released my second CD with Blind Pig Records, Right About Love on August 16th. It is a piece of me that I am very proud of and a culmination of lots of hard work from many people.

As some of you know I had to have surgery on September 13th to remove a lump on my thyroid gland. I feel blessed to be able to tell you that I am doing fine and the lump turned out to be cancer free. I regret to inform you all that as a result of the surgery my left vocal chord has been left paralyzed and is not working. The result of this is I can talk softly but I cannot sing.

In the last couple of weeks after lots of medical opinions and various hospital visits my condition has been diagnosed as likely permanent. This means that I probably will never be able to sing again. I am working hard with a speech therapist to see if I can beat the odds and God willing raise my voice in song once again someday. Until that time comes I must say goodbye to you all as a singer and thank you again for all of the love and support you have given me.

I thank God for the opportunities He gave me to live out my dream even if only for small window of time. I trust that He has a plan for my life and whatever that is, I will put my heart and soul into it just as I did my music.

From the bottom of my heart please know I thank all of you for your kindness to me and I will remember it always. May God Bless each of you.

Stay Soulful,


Monday, August 06, 2007

Young Guitar Wizards "Live" At The Knitting Factory!

Can you realize that having played guitar for over fifty years, I do not take it lightly that today, I was shredded by a twelve and thirteen year old pair of young gentlemen? These kids can't even drive or drink, much less get into the joints in which honed my skills. You know....smoke filled bars.

Here's the news.....!

On August 9th. at 8 PM, Heart Of Gold Entertainment is presenting a marvelous Charity event at the Knitting Factory on Hollywood Boulevard, featuring young guitar monsters from across the globe.

If you even think you're a player, you owe it to yourself to see these young men in action. It's a cathartic experience believe me.

Today's BluePower show features Mr. Grant Austin Taylor who resides in Norfolk, Virginia and Mr. Fredrik Strand Halland of Bergen, Norway. Grant is twelve and Fredrik is thirteen. Both young men are building strong fan bases and they feature some mighty strong playing on their individual sites on YouTube. Check them out.

Here is the line-up for Thursday evening at The Knitting Factory:

Eliott Janz
Chris Iorio

Grant Austin Taylor

Fredrik Strand Halland

Here's the music today:

1)...."We Walk Alone"....Grant Austin Taylor
2)...."Life Is A Gamble"....Fredrik Strand Halland

3)...."That's The Way Life Goes"....Grant Austin Taylor

4)...."Beautiful Day"....Fredrik Strand Halland

There will also be some "special" guests whose name we are not privy to divulge at this time.

This show is a charity event and the proceeds over and above costs and expenses will be divided among the players themselves to be donated to their favorite charity.

Click here to listen to Young Guitar Wizards "Live" At The Knitting Factory!

Click here to go to the website of Fredrik Strand Halland!

Click here to go to the website of Grant Austin Taylor!

Goodbye To A Friend!

Ulpio Minucci ( pronounced oool-pee-oh men-ooo-chee ) came over to this country from Milan, Italy in the early 50's. His friend, sponsor and supportor was the Italian actress Gina Lolabrigida who was just beginning to get starring roles in movies at that time in Hollywood.

He studied piano and theory in Milan and later added journalism to his curriculum. He was a thorough musician and composer.He went on to write the song "Domani", which was recorded by Julius LaRosa on Archie Bleyer's label, Cadence Records. It rose up the charts to the top ten. Not sure of the year. I do know I used to hear it all the time when I was in high school. My friends and I really liked the tune. I even bought the record. Usually I was buying R&B records but this was one exception to my very limited library. I never dreamt I would ever meet the composer.
When I met him, it was with - of all people - Matt Lucas. Matt and I were on the road with the Narvel Felts band in 1958-9. We ended up the tour in Dover, NJ. Being that close to NY, I just had to get into NYC asap. Matt joined me on that first 35 mile bus trip into the apple. Matt and I went to see Narvels manager, Don Seat. Ulpio was general manager of Conway Twitty's publishing firm. He asked me to play ( after Matt's touting of me ) several songs I had written. He heard them, was obviously impressed and offered to publish the songs.I was only too happy to sign the "popular songwriter contracts" on those songs. About a year later, he recorded me on his label, Regatta Records. I remember I did the American Bandstand show with that record. I couldn't believe it.
Through the years, Ulpio formed several Independant Publisher-Record operations. He and his partners were the first to record the artist, Patti Austin. Again, as luck would have it, I happened to have her first record on Coral. The song was "Earl ( I Wanna Be Your Girl )". Though Ulpio and I went our separate ways musically and career wise, we remained close acquaintences and trusted friends.
He later went on to sign on as General Professional Manager for CBS International. He, his wife Catherine moved to L.A. where they stayed from the mid-seventie's to present day.
He later was elected to the music review board of the National Academy of Arts and Sciences, NARAS and one other similiar affiliation of which I can't recall at the moment
He wrote for Broadway the show "Merlin" about the famous magician and wizard. Dont know if it ever hit the boards or not.
On my infrequent trips to Los Angeles we had lunch, exchanged ideas and talked tunes. He was now retired but always kept his finger in the pie.
He is survived by his wife, Catherine, son Chieli Minucci and daughter Nina. He and Catherine have several grandchildren as well.
I will miss him.

Bob Halley