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Thursday, April 26, 2007

As Pickett Would Say....Laugh On!

I have just received the sad news. Bobby Pickett died today of leukemia. He was 69, four years older than I.

I first had the good fortune to meet Bobby in Hollywood at breakfast one morning with my dear, departed friend, Bobby Jo Ott. How we came together eludes me at this point, but I will say that Bobby Pickett became a dear friend and working associate for many years.

In the early eighties, Bobby Pickett, myself and Peter Ferrara had the golden opportunity to create and deliver some 300 commercials for NBC. During that time (the better part of a year) I came to know the elusive Mr. Pickett quite well. He was always ready for a laugh, a joke or a prank. Nothing seemed to phase him. It was Bobby's singular pleasure to make you laugh.

I just hung up with Peter Ferrara who, in his usual way, made me feel better regarding Bobby's passing.

Peter said, "Bobby added so much to my life. I am the one who benefitted from knowing him. If you're feeling bad....that's for you. Bobby wouldn't see it that way. Bobby would say, "Laugh on!" "

Peter's right you know. Pickett never took himself seriously or anyone else for that matter.

So fare thee well Mr. Pickett. I can certainly say the honor was mine.

John Rhys-Eddins/BluePower.com

Thanks to Mr. Jim Sweeney for the photo up top. It was taken one evening when Bobby was over-dubbing his version of Warren Zevon's, "Werewolves Of London."

Click to play the Bobby "Boris" Pickett Halloween Show here!

Go to Bobby "Boris" Pickett's web site now!

An Open Letter To Senator Dianne Feinstein!

After receiving a placating letter from Senator Dianne Feinstein regarding the scurrilous RIAA debacle, I'm afraid I lost my temper on the return. When are these people on Capitol Hill going to see the light regarding the new radio?

Here is the letter I sent in reply to the vapid response Senator Feinstein sent to us....

Senator Feinstein,
As a musician, writer and publisher for over forty years in the world music industry, I must say that it is remarkable how congress has allowed these abhorrent rates to be handed down without full accountability from the music conglomerates who created and paid for them.

Do you realize that not only will webcasters be destroyed but some of terrestrial radio as well?

Sound Exchange is basing their rates on a percentage of revenue from advertising, correct? The rates are so high that even webcasters with a decent revenue stream will be decimated financially. And what about webcasters who refuse to utilize advertising? Are they to be ruined strictly because the RIAA wants them off the air? What about the educators and teachers? They are being pummeled as well.

As I mentioned, I have been producing records and publishing music for over forty years. I have spent more money on attorneys than I care to think of as it makes me quite ill. All that expense, trying to collect what I was owed via contract.

I made a contract with Capitol Records (now EMI) in 1965. They owe me money. When my attorney wrote and asked why I hadn't been paid, they simply sent a letter back stating that I would have to sue them for an accounting. Do you know what an international lawsuit costs? What's the point of trying to collect?

This is the way the majors have always done business. They owe you money, they force you to sue, knowing that litigation costs could wind up being more expensive than it's worth to collect. If you do have the capital with which to sue, eventually they settle for one tenth of what you're owed. Look at their savings! They have attorneys on staff for such purposes. I have lived with this syndrome all my working life in the record business.

Yes....the old ways are dead. The major record companies have killed the geese that laid the golden eggs. Those days will not return and the RIAA, Sound Exchange nor the CRB can not revitalize something that has been that corrupt for so long. The artists, writers and creators have found another way to gain their fair compensation with no "middle-men" holding their hands out, no drug dealers, no scheming attorneys and no caveat filled contracts. It's a new world. Too bad the the majors were too blind to see it coming.

As Bob Dylan once told us, "Everybody wants a piece of my ass." Truer words were never spoken. I hate to think of how many Rolls Royce payments I have made for people at the major companies, while my wife, kids and I drove in a Toyota and lived in stuffy court rooms.

You may say, "Well....this man is just a nut case. I'm sure those honorable people don't treat artists that way." I have reams of depositions which say otherwise. Outright lies proven in court.

All I'm saying is that the major companies, instead of wreaking destruction, should come to us (the webcasters) and say...."How can we help you help our business?" That's the way it was in the old days when I was a young promo man for Warner Brothers and FM came on the air. I went out into the field and did anything I could to get the records played; no matter what or where. We worked with the new media. We didn't try to kill them then....why now?

I love the work you are doing for the people of California and we are proud to be able to live in The Golden State. However; you are missing the big picture on this one Ms. Feinstein.

Here is a link that may help you visualize the total picture:


May God bless you and yours.

John Rhys-Eddins
The Independent Voice Of The Blues

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sixth Annual Ponderosa Stomp!

Below you will find some very important information.

Join us as BluePower travels to New Orleans to cover one of the most important events to hit New Orleans this year. We invite you to search us out during the Sixth Annual Ponderosa Stomp. Find us, tell us who you are and we will include you in our next BluePower Special coming in May. Come looking good as we will be filming. Both Lori and I will be wearing BluePower Press Passes.


Sixth Annual Ponderosa Stomp

Celebrating the Unsung Heroes of the Blues, Garage, Soul, Funk, Rockabilly, Swamp Pop and New Orleans R&B

May 2nd, 2007, at the House of Blues and the Parish, New Orleans
From 5 P.M. till 2 A.M., Admission $40

Stomp Lineup
Psychedelic legend Roky Erickson and The Explosives, master arranger Wardell Quezergue and the New Orleans Rhythm & Blues Revue featuring New Orleans soul legend Tony Owens, Jean "Mr Big Stuff" Knight, and the architect of New Orleans RnB Dave Bartholomew; R&B soprano Little Jimmy Scott, Deke Dickerson and the Eccofonics, Psych Funk Brother Dennis Coffey, soul songwriter supreme Dan Penn, rockabilly wild man Dale Hawkins, Texas Tornado co-founder Augie Meyers, Herbert Hardesty, Gulf Coast guitar empress Barbara Lynn, Excello harp master Lazy Lester, Lafayette Soul Show Houseband Little Buck and the Top Cats w/ Stanley "Buckwheat Zydeco" Dural on Hammond B-3, keyboardist extraordinaire Willie Tee, President of soul Rockie Charles, hillb! illy bop per Jay Chevalier, tough Texas shouter Roy Head, rockabilly wailer Joe Clay, Mardi Gras king Al "Carnival Time" Johnson, Blues Piano Master Henry Gray, Detroit Bluesman Eddie "The Hawg" Kirkland, Duo of Hill Country Guitarist Kenny Brown and Chitlin Circuit Showman Bobby Rush, Muscle Shoals Veteran Ralph "Soul" Jackson, "Guitar Lignting" Lee, Rockabilly Drummer Matt "I'm Movin On" Lucas, the King of New Orleans' Gut Bucket Blues Little Freddie King, Blue Eyed Soul Sensation Skip "Hoochie Coochie Man" Easterling, Ernie "DapWalk" Vincent, and David "Funky Soul" Batiste.

Performance Schedule
Performance schedule with stages and times.

Tickets for the Sixth Annual Ponderosa Stomp are $40 and are general admission. Re-entry is allowed. Tickets are available through TicketMaster and at the House of Blues ticket office in New Orleans. (Tickets purchased at the HOB ticket office have a $3 service charge.) House of Blues Directions.

Complete Schedule of Shows
Complete Schedule of Shows for the Week of the Stomp in New Orleans

Sponsors for the event include The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, House of Blues, Louisiana Music Factory, New Orleans Fine Hotels, Pascale Manales, New Orleans Music Exchange, Bacco, Miller Beer, and American Luxury Limousines.

More Info on the Stomp
