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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Due To Public Request....Kemp Harris' Edenton!

Several weeks ago, BluePower received a CD from an artist named Kemp Harris. His CD is called Edenton and is a masterpiece of the new blues.

We have had a great deal of interest in the CD and decided to re-run this show for your listening pleasure.

In a world where most people pander their wares to buyers, there occasionally comes someone who just doesn't care about convention and delivers a product so startlingly real, the markets shy away in fear.

Kemp Harris has combined traditional blues and gospel and come up with a most chilling description of the world today.

Edenton shines as a true and authentic blues work. No pretty gloss here, just the raw, crying of a man with a desperate need to be heard. And these songs should be heard. Every radio station in America should play this album, but they won't because the music will scare them and the lyrics will shock them to the core of their mediocre hearts.

This album returns to a time when the blues was a reality; when folks had to say something about the discord and privation in this, the land of the free. Back to the true blues messenger. Back to the truth. Perhaps the time is now.

John Rhys-Eddins/BluePower.com

Edenton....It's the real deal!

Here's the music:

1)...."Sometimes"....Kemp Harris
2)...."Tryin' Times"....Kemp Harris

3)...."Mother Earth"....Kemp Harris

4)...."Sweet Weepin' Jesus"....Kemp Harris

5)...."Ruthie's"....Kemp Harris

6)...."Didn't It Rain"....Kemp Harris w/Mabel Marshall & Eleanor Mapp 7)...."Edenton"....Kemp Harris

The musicians are:

Kemp Harris........Vocals & Piano
Jim Lucchese.......Drums

Josh Stoltzfus......Guitar

Brian Verrochi.....Bass

With Special Guests: The Holmes Brothers (backing vocals), Adam Oh (harp) and Lydia Harrell (backing vocals)

Produced by: Kemp Harris, Jim Lucchese and Josh Stoltzfus

Click here to listen to....Kemp Harris', Edenton!

Record company has granted BluePower the right to play the music for promotional purposes!