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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Want To Be A Hit Songwriter....Listen To Eddie Schwartz!

I have had the pleasure of meeting many great writers in my time on this Earth. I have even dabbled at songwriting myself. Until I met Eddie Schwartz, I didn't realize the trials many great songwriters suffer at the hands of the music industry.

Listen as I speak with hit songwriter Eddie Schwartz about his problems getting his songs released and the aftermath of finally hitting the big time.

A MUST for all budding songwriters.

Also, since this is about songwriting: John Braheny, co-creator of The Los Angeles Songwriter's Showcase, has a remarkable site which homes in on the ways and means of becoming a truly great writer.

John Rhys Eddins/BluePower.com

Click here to access Mr. Braheny's website!

Listen to Part One of the Eddie Schwartz interview!

Listen to Part Two of the Eddie Schwartz interview!