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Friday, November 10, 2006

Mark Goldberg And Friends In Hollywood!

Last Sunday evening I was invited to a gala CD release party at King King in Hollywood. It had been a considerable time since I had the occasion to go to Hollywood and as I drove down Cahuenga Boulevard I noticed that almost everything had changed since I owned a studio there.

I arrived at King King a bit early; bought my ticket (which came with a new CD from Mark Goldberg) and walked inside.

Once my eyes became accustomed to the lack of light, I discovered a rather large room with a bar on one side; a large stage at the far end and booths covering the other walls. The room was already starting to fill. I saw Mark and went over and spoke with him asking when the music would start. Through the ultra-loud background music he said, "Any minute now". I went to the bar, bought a Coke and found the corner of a booth on which to sit.

Mark and his band took the stage in what proved to be an evening of some of the most purely esoteric music I've enjoyed in years.

Mark has always been a tremendous bassist but I didn't realize what a fine writer and performer he is. Playing only his upright bass, Mark slid easily through a dozen or more tunes, most of which are included in his new CD release, Pocket....Off The Porch. He had the audience in hysterics on several occasions due to the humor and charm he exudes from the stage.

Mark writes songs of sensitivity and heart and it was easy to see why the audience loved him and his performance. Not to mention the fact that Mark had the cream of Hollywood sidemen on stage with him at one time or another.

Had I been prepared to write a review, I would have written down the list of material Mark performed. However; I just went to chill out and have a good time. I had such a good time in fact that I decided later to write this piece. Please forgive my not gathering a songlist but actually, all you would have to do, is get a copy of Pocket....Off The Porch and you too, can re-live the exhuberance we all experienced that evening last Sunday.

To give you an idea as to who was playing with Mark Goldberg last Sunday, I do have a list of musicians.

The Band:

Larry Treadwell....Guitar, Mandolin, Lap Steel, Electro Autoharp, Slide Banjo & Vocals
Mike (Plodene) Thompson....Trombone, Accordion, & Banjo
Zeke Zirngiebel....Guitar & Vocals
Phil Bloch....Drums & Percussion
Mark (Pocket) Goldberg....Upright Bass & Lead Vocals

The Guests:

Matthew Nelson....(The Nelson Brothers)....Guitar & Vocals
Terry Evans....Vocals
Dave Morgan....Keyboards & Vocals
Danny Timms....Keyboards & Vocals
Dennis Dries....Vocals
Dawnia Carlson....Vocals (Vertigo Road)
Kim Kopp....Guitar & Vocals (Vertigo Road)
Randy Sacks....Vocals
Shawn Finnegan....Piano
Matt Margucci....Trumpet
Albert Trepagnier Jr....Drums
Dave Widow....Guitar
Lisa Lynch....Vocals
Jennifer Treadwell....Vocals

Cover photo by: Lalena Goldberg

All I can say is....For a good time; check out Pocket....Off The Porch. Mark Goldberg knows how to make it swing.

John Rhys (Revlak) Eddins/BluePower.com