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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Guitar Speak....Where The Guitar Is The Star....Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Several months ago, BluePower.com got together with a great player named Tom Sullivan and created a learning tool called Guitar Speak, which will be a series of half-hour videos dealing with the guitar in all aspects.

Whether you are just learning to play or an intermediate player; Guitar Speak will have something to teach you.

How about learning the fingerings of the Blues as played by Albert King or the slashing rock chords and notage of Jimi Hendrix. Guitar Speak will have someone who knows and will play them for you live. Download the videos and stop the frames to see exactly how to play each chord and note exactly the way Albert King or Jimi played them.

Guitar Speak will have major players come in to show you their professional techniques; their use of certain amps; pedals and their use of other gear both analog and digital.

Want to know what size strings to use for certain types of music? Tom Sullivan will help you decide.

Guitar Speak....Where The Guitar Is The Star....is for anyone who would like to accelerate their guitar possibilities.

In case you haven't heard Guitar Speak with host, Tom Sullivan on BluePower....Listen here!

Guitar Speak will be up within the next two weeks. Stay Tuned!

John Rhys Eddins