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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Christ!....Who Am I?....John Rhys-Eddins!

A number of people have written in lately to ask what I have done to deserve the honor of building BluePower for the last twelve years.

Apart from loving the Blues and R&B, I had the opportunity to be in the music business while it still had an ounce of integrity. Not only were there talented folks about who knew a great song when they heard it; they were also able to produce the song and make it a hit. I was fortunate enough to able to consider myself in that category.

I started as a player; continued into becoming a recording engineer and added to those skills becoming a record producer. All three contributed the greatest times of my life.

If you would like to know a bit about my career, click the Wikipedia link below.

John Rhys Eddins on Wikipedia!

If you would like to know more about my life etc. , please click on the Real Tribute link below.

John Rhys Eddins on Real Tribute!

Thanks to so many wonderful people tuning in to BluePower.com. We all appreciate it very much!

Best Regards/John Rhys Eddins/BluePower.com