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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

BluePower's Top Ten For The Month!

BluePower wishes to thank all the good people who have chosen to listen to our programming. Every time you listen, the program to which you listen counts your hit.
BluePower has sorted all the numbers and come up with this new list of shows. Most of which were originally broadcast within the last six months. In case you missed any of these shows, now's your chance to hear them.

The Top Ten In Order...

1)....Good Morning Blues....New Releases!
2)....Walter Trout Comes Full Circle!
3)....The Best Music You Never Heard....Rastus (Part Two)!

4)....A Master Hitmaker And Pure Gentleman....Eddie Schwartz!

5)....Guitar Speak With Tom Sullivan!

6)....Guns And God!

7)....The World Series Of The Blues....Australia!

8)....I'm Having Fun Now!....The Runnin' Down Show.
9)....Good Morning Blues....Part One!
10)...Matt Lucas Back In The Saddle!

We at BluePower wish to thank all these great artists for their contributions to the musical legacy of the planet Earth and to all of us here at BluePower.com.

Your email is gratefully appreciated....here's our address....blupwr@sbcglobal.net

And remember....in this unhappy world, there's one thing that will make us all feel better....and that's the Blues!

Everyone Stay Safe!
John Rhys Eddins/BluePower.com