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Thursday, August 03, 2006

My Dear Bobby Jo....May Your Soul Fly Free!

He had been ill for such a long time. He would call and tell me how badly he felt. I could hear the pain in his voice. That beautiful voice which had the ability to convey such happiness and sorrow at the same time.

Bobby Jo Ott never reached the plateau for which he was destined. A series of incidences kept him from attaining his goal. Through all that, he never lost his sense of humour or his will to live. This morning at 1 AM, the world lost a truly gifted and gentle human being.

Were it not for Bobby Jo, this writer would never had a chance in the chaotic world of Hollywood. It was Bobby's belief in yours truly that gained my first two jobs in Hollywood and eventually led to my success in the music business here. Without his help I don't know what I would have done.

As a tribute to one of my dearest friends, I would like to re-run a feature I put together some six months ago.....Ode To Bobby Jo!

Here's The Music........!

1)...."Warm"........John Rhys-Eddins
2)...."Isabel"........John Rhys-Eddins & Michelle Brourman

3)...."Heard The News"........Darius (Bobby Jo Ott)

4)...."Hello Stranger"........Darius (Bobby Jo Ott)

5)...."Don't You Get The Feeling"........Darius (Bobby Jo Ott)

6)...."Delicious Sally"........Darius (Bobby Jo Ott)

7)...."The Flint River Inn"........Darius (Bobby Jo Ott)

8)...."Lay It all On The Line"........Darius (Bobby Jo Ott)

9)...."Shake It Loose!"........Darius (Bobby Jo Ott)

10)..."Quiet Morning"........Darius (Bobby Jo Ott)

11)..."Lucy Bluebird"........Rastus

12)..."I Don't Mind"........Darius (Bobby Jo Ott)

13)..."Warm"........Darius (Bobby Jo Ott)

Sleep well my friend. May your soul fly free in the universe.

I'll miss you 'til I can miss no more.

John Rhys/BluePower.com

Click here to listen to....Ode To Bobby Jo!