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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Brian Roberts And Humble Harve....The Day Radio Died!

The history of American Radio as told by two of the most famous voices in broadcasting. No punches pulled here. True stories told by the men who lived them. Check out what they describe as the decline of American Radio and the reasons leading to that demise.

This show was posted on BluePower in the year 2000. Since that time, things have become much worse. Clear Channel alone has been allowed to purchase over 1500 radio stations in the USA. This much power in the hands of one conglomerate can be devastating to free radio in general. This is already being proven. So much for the seven station rule that was upheld until this last administration destroyed the agreement and allowed corporate monopolies to run rampant.

John Rhys Eddins/BluePower.com

Click here to listen to....Brian Roberts And Humble Harve....The Day Radio Died!