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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The World Series Of The Blues....Australia!

As we slowly assemble our "World Series Of The Blues", we are beginning to find what we suspected all along. That no country or nation owns the Blues. The Blues was given to us by a people suffering from prejudice and privation, so that all would know, via this form of expression; freedom, joy, love and hate....and the truth. The Blues is actually a composite of many types of music from all around the globe. It took African Americans, (slaves), to embody them all and create....The Blues.

This feeling was nothing new. Everyone has had the Blues at one time or another. Everyone in the world gets the Blues.

The Blues has a way of making you laugh at yourself. The ability to make you look into your soul; then shake off whatever was bothering you. The Blues has a sense of humor; a sensibility about it's performance that forces an honest discourse.

This show, presented by BAR Promotions, ( located in Darlington, Western Australia) is called "The Bar Down Under" and hosted by Jillian Jake and Jayme Hanjin, exemplifies some of the great talent from the land of Australia. The girls have sent over two shows which we will run back to back so that you may have the opportunity to share in this great and (in many cases) unusual music. How about a didgerido in a Blues tune? See what I mean?

This show will also give you a feeling of the music and touring business from Australia via phone interviews from several of the artists featured in this show.

Australia shows it's Blues artists back down from nothing and are willing to play anytime; anywhere....and with anyone.

John Rhys Eddins

Tonight's Music:

1)...."Mountain Mama"....Andy Cowan
2)...."Little Big Men"....Geoff Achison
3)...."Crazy Horse"....Geoff Achison
4)...."I've Changed My Mind....Jillian Jake
5)...."Be Good To Me"....Mark Vine
6)...."Down At Midnites"....Blue Tongue
7)...."Hit The Wall"....The Others
8)...."Don't Want To Die Here"....Blue Shaddy
9)....."Mr. Willie Wagtail"....Blue Shaddy
10).."Hold On"....Storme Reeves
11).."Desert Honey"....Black And Blues

Click here to play....The World Series Of The Blues....Australia!

Click here to go to....BAR Promotions-Australia!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Guitar Speak....With Tom Sullivan!

The guitar has been a predominant instrument for hundreds of years. Every conceivable type of music is transcribed and played on guitar.

The guitar is an instrument which nearly anyone can play if they're serious. Not even major handicaps have stopped someone who sincerely wanted to play the instrument. Such was the case with Django Reinhardt; a gypsy musician who lost the use of three fingers on his left hand yet became a legendary player of his time.

Guitar Speak is dedicated to those guitarists who are interested in learning about the guitar in every way.

The host of Guitar Speak is a gentleman named Tom Sullivan. I knew he was the right man for the job after I spoke with him once. I had not yet met a man as dedicated and so completely knowledgable in the guitar that I could remember. A phenominal player in his own right; he also repairs and builds his own instruments.

Guitar Speak will be our first attempt at sales on BluePower. As you may or may not know, all content on BluePower has been free since April 4th, 1994. That's a long time and a lot of shows under the bridge. However; our costs multiply as our listenership grows and the costs are becoming prohibitive.

Guitar Speak starts running in June and a podcast download will cost $1.00 per show or $3.00 per month.

This show will be a true experience regarding the many sides of the guitar. Stay tuned as Tom Sullivan leads us through the wonderful world of music on the instrument known as....the guitar.

John Rhys-Eddins

Tonight's Playlist:

1)...."Funhouse"....Danny Gatten
2)...."Burnin' "....Jimmy Bruno

3)...."Bryant's Bounce"....Jimmy Bryant and Speedy West

4)...."Cherokee "....Howard Alden & Bucky Pizzarelli

Click here to listen to....
Guitar Speak....With Tom Sullivan!