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Saturday, April 29, 2006

Before The Separation....A Tribute To Truth And Beauty! (Part One)

Every once in a while, when the stars are set just right and the moon shines in exactly the proper way, someone will create a work so honest and beautiful it takes our breath away.

It takes someone who has a wonderful and sincere nature to create a set of music this magical. Someone who feels for the world; who wonders why things have gone so wrong and someone who feels the hurt and can honestly express the pain and suffering plus the joy of living. The ability to be able to combine this integrity into one set of ten songs is a gift to us all.

Now maybe I'm just a soft touch when it comes to friends. And Freebo is a friend; a true friend. I am not one however; to let friendship overide my musical judgement so on this particular CD, I had to listen over and over again. I can now honestly say that I haven't heard a CD that has touched my heart this way in many, many years.

Lyrically Before The Separation is topical in that it speaks presicely to what is occuring in our world today. But....unlike so many others which are vitriolic, this CD makes it's many points in a soft and gentle way. This is a CD which tells it's truths without screaming and without being brutal in any way. Freebo has made a collection of beautifully written pieces combined with articulate melodies guaranteed to have you pushing the replay button over and over again.

Today, BluePower is featuring Freebo live in our studio. The show will be divided into two, one hour segments and I assure you, Freebo will demonstrate why he has the ability to create such beautiful and dedicated music.

John Rhys-Eddins

Click here to listen to....BluePower.com Featuring Freebo!

Please go to....Freebo.com for more info on Before The Separation!