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Saturday, February 04, 2006

Great Things Come....All In Good Time!

Very few folks know that during the day, I manage the Internet Department at Big Valley Dodge and Subaru in Van Nuys, California. I do this in order to help defray the costs of BluePower.com and also to keep the wolves away from the door.

One of my favorite sayings is something my grandmother used to tell me when I was a kid. "God doesn't make any mistakes", she would say with the wry smile that would cross her face.

Now many folks don't agree with that saying. Maybe they're right.... but as far as I'm concerned, I have always found that saying to be quite true.

Such are the remarkable series of events which led Shawn Jones to arrive at BluePower's door.

About a month ago, my partner at Big Valley, Mark Sellz, asked that I listen to a CD. Now Mark works closely with the officers from the Van Nuys Police Department in various organizations. The CD had been given to Mark from a Captain on the force. The Captain had become friends with Mr. Jones and had purchased the CD from Shawn at one of his gigs. The work of which I'm speaking is the very CD utilized on the show today. Through this entertwined series of events, I listened and loved Shawn's work. As I mentioned...."God doesn't make any mistakes."

All In Good Time is a beautifully crafted series of songs, delivered from the heart by a master guitarist whose powerful vocals conjure up great strength and sensitivity. Shawn has an inner integrity sorely lacking in many of today's "manufactured" artists.

BluePower is proud to have this accomplished musician and performer come to speak of his recent work, his trials and tribulations and his love and respect of his father.

John Rhys-Eddins

The Music:

1)....Theme...."Hand Clappin'....Red Prysock
2)...."Runnin' Out Of Time To Run"....Shawn Jones
Live Performance...."Glory Bound"....Shawn Jones
3)...."Heaven's Daughter"....Shawn Jones
4)...."Can't Help Myself"....Shawn Jones

5)...."Love's Gonna Find A Way"....Shawn Jones
6)...."Long Goodbyes"....Shawn Jones
7)...."Temptation"....Shawn Jones
8)...."Why"....Danny Walden Jones
9)...."My Best Friend"....Shawn Jones
10)..."Hand Clappin'"....Red Prysock

Click here to listen to....Great Things Come....All In Good Time!