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Monday, January 16, 2006

Matt Lucas Returns To BluePower!

After several months of globe trekking, Matt Lucas and his beautiful wife Barbara have returned to the USA.

It was a wonderful surprise to see Matt and Barbara standing outside our door in Van Nuys Sunday morning.

Matt brought news of this year's Ponderosa Stomp and reports from various parts of the world he has traveled in the last year. He has literally, covered the globe, taking his brand of Blues and Rockabilly to thousands of fans around the world.

I managed to get Matt into the studio for a couple of hours to do this new interview for our listeners. We sincerely hope you enjoy and are edified by this talk between John Rhys-Eddins and Matt Lucas; one of the true creators of Rock and Roll.

John Rhys-Eddins

Click here to listen to....Matt Lucas!