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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Kubek And King Record Live CD!

On New Year's Eve, the dynamic musical duo of Smokin' Joe Kubek and Bnois King scorched J & J Blues Bar in Fort Worth, Texas in a performance that was taped by Blind Pig Records for release on CD as well as DVD.

Backed by Paul Jenkins on bass and Ralph Tower on drums, Kubek and King, whom Blues Revue has dubbed "simply the best guitar tandem on the scene today," tore through two sets of their road-tested fan favorites, drawing heavily from material on their two recent Blind Pig releases, Show Me The Money and Roadhouse Research, in addition to playing three new songs written especially for the occasion.

Though Kubek and King, who have been playing together since 1989, have a prolific discography, they had never recorded a live album. J & J's was chosen as the venue because it offered an authentic Texas roadhouse atmosphere. Well-known Dallas Blues disc jockey Don O of KNON-FM served as the MC for the evening.

Kubek said afterward, "This was way overdue. We've been wanting to do a live recording for a long time. We had the time of our lives."

Producer Paul Christensen of Omega Productions oversaw the project, with Craige Bandy of Tricam Video Productions serving as Director of the video. Tim Kennard of Forrest Production Services was in charge of audio recording.

The release date for the CD and DVD, tentatively entitled My Heart's In Texas, will be announced later by Blind Pig.

Contact: Debra Regur pigpress@blindpigrecords.com 415.550.6484