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Saturday, December 24, 2005

The Christmas Show....Part Two!

BluePower was very happy when Mr. Eric Johnson said "Yes" to joining John on the Christmas Special. It was a long night as wires became crossed and we didn't get started until quite late. By the time we finished, it was 4 AM in the morning and both of us were exhausted.

Mr. Johnson (Mouse, as he will be known from this point on), and I decided to play Christmas music that most folks don't play or even know exists. I must admit, we chose some rather "off-the-wall" selections.

This show is dedicated to our boys and girls in the military serving in all lands of our battered Earth. Without their service and integrity, the USA would be in dire straights no doubt. Our most sincere Christmas wish is that all these boys and girls return home safe and sound to their loved ones. AND SOON!

BluePower wishes all our listeners the happiest of holidays no matter which faith or religion they choose with the hopes that the world will somehow become a safer place in which to bring up our children. Miracles can happen.

And so....in being politically correct....Happy Holidays To All!

John Rhys et al....BluePower.com

Playlist....Part Two!.

1)...."Please Come Home For Christmas"....The Uniques
2)...."Empty Stocking Blues"....Floyd Dixon
3)...."The First Noel"....Kelly Moneymaker
4)...."Lonesome Christmas Pt.1....Lowel Fulson
5)...."Lonesome Christmas Pt.2....Lowel Fulson
6)...."Let's Make Christmas Merry Baby"....Amos Milburn
7)...."Blues For Christmas"....John Lee Hooker
8)...."Salsa Claus Is Coming To Town"....Michael Powers
9)...."Hark The Herald Angels Sing"....Janelle Sadler
10).."Another Christmas Without My Son"....Oris Mays

Click here for....The Christmas Show....Part Two!