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Thursday, November 03, 2005

Ike Turner....The Bad Boy Of The Blues!

BluePower is proud to present Part One of an exclusive interview with the inimitable IKE TURNER.

Hailed as the FATHER OF ROCK AND ROLL, Turner talks of the early days on the road, his influences and of the racial parameters black musicians had to mind in the South.

In this first of a four part series, John Rhys and Jeanie Cunningham attempt to uncover Ike's feelings regarding many topics.

We think you will be surprised to find this man is "not" the ogre of which he has been made by the media. You will find that Ike Turner is one of the most gifted popular musicians alive today and has contributed more to the world of popular music than even the experts realize.

John Rhys/BluePower.com

Listen To: Ike Turner....The Bad Boy Of The Blues!