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Friday, October 21, 2005

"From The Wilderness" Needs Our Help!


An Avalanche of Dirty Tricks is Threatening Our Ability to Continue.

Twice before in FTW’s eight year history we have reached out to you – our subscribers and supporters – for help and you have come through in spades. We have to do it again and this time is perhaps the most important of all.

Daily – occasionally even hourly now – the messages are hitting my inbox or coming in person. They make my job much easier.

... Thanks for your analysis of Peak Oil, economic impacts, and political/elite foreknowledge and planning. Many things that have puzzled me for years now come into focus:

1. Looting of the Treasury with Massive record deficits under three consecutive Republican Administrations, Destruction and Looting of Social Security, and the overall apparently deliberate dismantling of the United States as an economic power.

2. Apparent sudden change in philosophy of major business executive management from mostly-lawful corporation building to lawless corporation stripping for enormous short-term profits with an apparent blind eye to the future, and the Wholesale dismantling and relocation overseas of the American Industrial Base

I am sure there are multiple motives for these developments, but looking at the big picture as you have developed it, and the timing of the rapid growth of these trends (starting in earnest in the early 1980s) they seem to mesh quite well with the disturbing picture you have published.

God have mercy on us all...

-- Dr. D. S------, M.D.


Click here to go to From The Wilderness!

I first met Mike Ruppert while I was Celebrity Coordinator for the Ross Perot campaign in 1992. Though I don't know him well, I do know that this man has put his life on the line numerous times in order to get the truth out to the people who care about America. Of which, I am one. If FTW needs help, then I urge my friends and all other true Americans to help in this matter.

Read 'Crossing The Rubicon'. It will change your life. Thank you.

John Rhys/BluePower.com