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Monday, October 17, 2005

An Honor And A Priviledge!

A month or so ago, I received an award which has made me feel really good ever since.

The award is from The Southern Legends Entertainment And Performing Arts Hall Of Fame for lifetime promotion, contribution and indelible goodwill to Southern originating music and it's heritage.

Man, I was flabergasted! Many thanks to my dear friend Matt Lucas for suggesting my name to the Hall Of Fame.

Mr. Widmarc Clark went through an ordeal in order to get my name confirmed as, though raised in the South, I was born in England as many of you know. My grateful thanks to Mr. Clark for going to the wall to get me confirmed. I understand I caused Mr. Clark quite a bit of consternation which he did not deserve.

Many, many thanks to the gentlemen on the board of that organization and especially to Mr. Widmarc Clark for their courtesy and generosity. I am both extremely proud and honored.

This award will fit nicely among my other knick-knacks as it now has a beautiful frame which was selected for just that purpose.

"Hang on to your Confederate money boys....the South shall rise again!"

God Bless You All!
John Rhys/BluePower.com