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Saturday, October 22, 2005

Good Morning Blues........'Crazy 'Bout An Automobile'!

By 1953 and 1954, I was 12 and 13 respectively. Like so many kids in the United States, I waited impatiently for September to roll around; thus releasing all the new model cars at once into my impatient life. I read all the magazines, scrutinized all the ads and dreamt of owning most of the cars.

And then there were the songs.

The number of songs written for the illustrious automobile is far too long to elucidate here. There were songwriters whipping out cartunes from the very beginning of the production line, in every language and for every make. The Chevy Show with Dinah Shore was a huge success and I'm sure, sold millions of Chevy's. The Big Three manufacturers here in the States all hosted radio and television shows weekly during that time, blaring their theme songs to millions. "See the USA in your Chevrolet". Go little 409!

So, as usual....I picked a bunch of my favorite car songs. I hope you enjoy the show.

BTW....Find the line The Beatles used in one of their biggest hits among these songs below. It's a direct steal and an homage. Be the tenth person to write in with the correct answer and win a swell music DVD. No kidding!

John Rhys/BluePower


1)..."Rocket 88"........Mitch Woods and his Rocket 88's........Blind Pig
2)..."Crazy 'Bout An Automobile"........Billy Emerson........VeeJay
3)..."Cadillac Blues"........Blue By Nature V/Karen Lawrence........Shattered
4)..."No Money Down"........Chuck Berry........Chess
5)..."Seein' What I Ain't Got"........Steppin' Lazer........unreleased
6)..."Mercury Blues"........David Lindley........Rhino
7)..."Slow Down"........Larry Williams........Specialty
8)..."Hi Ballin' "........The Hula Monsters........Mega Truth
9)..."You Can't Catch Me"........Chuck Berry........Chess
10)..."Rocket 88"........Jackie Brenston And His Delta Cats........Chess
11)..."Maybelline"........Chuck Berry........Chess
12)..."Greenbacks"........Ray Charles........Atlantic
13)..."V8 Ford Blues"........Mose Allison........Atlantic
14)..."SUV"........Mem Shannon........Shanachi
15)..."Big V8"........Mark Sallings And The Famous Unknowns........Vent
16)..."Big Ass Green Van"........Bill Perry........Blind Pig
17)..."Peddle To The Metal"........Sonny Landreth........Sugar Hill

We could sure use a few more subscribers. It's totally free except for a minute of your time. All of us would "Thank You!"........ Don't worry....we rarely ever send out a newsletter.

Listen to: Crazy Bout An Automobile!

Friday, October 21, 2005

"From The Wilderness" Needs Our Help!


An Avalanche of Dirty Tricks is Threatening Our Ability to Continue.

Twice before in FTW’s eight year history we have reached out to you – our subscribers and supporters – for help and you have come through in spades. We have to do it again and this time is perhaps the most important of all.

Daily – occasionally even hourly now – the messages are hitting my inbox or coming in person. They make my job much easier.

... Thanks for your analysis of Peak Oil, economic impacts, and political/elite foreknowledge and planning. Many things that have puzzled me for years now come into focus:

1. Looting of the Treasury with Massive record deficits under three consecutive Republican Administrations, Destruction and Looting of Social Security, and the overall apparently deliberate dismantling of the United States as an economic power.

2. Apparent sudden change in philosophy of major business executive management from mostly-lawful corporation building to lawless corporation stripping for enormous short-term profits with an apparent blind eye to the future, and the Wholesale dismantling and relocation overseas of the American Industrial Base

I am sure there are multiple motives for these developments, but looking at the big picture as you have developed it, and the timing of the rapid growth of these trends (starting in earnest in the early 1980s) they seem to mesh quite well with the disturbing picture you have published.

God have mercy on us all...

-- Dr. D. S------, M.D.


Click here to go to From The Wilderness!

I first met Mike Ruppert while I was Celebrity Coordinator for the Ross Perot campaign in 1992. Though I don't know him well, I do know that this man has put his life on the line numerous times in order to get the truth out to the people who care about America. Of which, I am one. If FTW needs help, then I urge my friends and all other true Americans to help in this matter.

Read 'Crossing The Rubicon'. It will change your life. Thank you.

John Rhys/BluePower.com

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

BluePower Soul Has A New Face....And She's Beautiful!

Our dear friend, Mark Hanson, has been breaking his back lately. Working hard to bring us all, the best in Northern Soul programming....and he is succeeding. His numbers are doing quite well and those of us here in the States wish to congratulate him in honor of the fact that he will not settle for less than the best.

Mark has been with BluePower now well over a year and his shows can be heard twenty four hours a day from BluePower- Soul.com. The man knows his music well.

Almost all of the design features and special artwork you see on BluePower.com are the results of Mr. Hanson's excellent work. He just keeps getting better all the time.

Apart from his internet activities, Mr. Hanson is an avid sportsman and motorcycle enthusiast. He can pull an engine apart and have it back together in record time. Mark's a handy man to have around.

BluePower thanks Mr. Hanson for all his input in the last eighteen months and both BluePower.com and BluePower Soul.com, look forward to delivering the best in musical entertainment and featured interviews. Oh!....and also to have a bit of fun.

Thanks to the wonderful people who have stayed with us all this time. We would not be here if you weren't.
Please Stay Tuned!

John Rhys

Click here to go to BluePower Soul.com

Zevon Tapes Sold To "Mystery Man"!

It didn't take long for someone to snap up the Zevon Masters. I'm afraid I cannot relinquish his name but he is very well known.

Thank you so much for your support and letters. Knowing that BluePower has so many friends makes us all feel a lot more secure.

Also, thanks to all the people who wanted to make donations to the cause. We will have some way of your doing that in the next few weeks.

We at BluePower are overwhelmed with everyone's generosity.

John Rhys and Staff

Monday, October 17, 2005

An Honor And A Priviledge!

A month or so ago, I received an award which has made me feel really good ever since.

The award is from The Southern Legends Entertainment And Performing Arts Hall Of Fame for lifetime promotion, contribution and indelible goodwill to Southern originating music and it's heritage.

Man, I was flabergasted! Many thanks to my dear friend Matt Lucas for suggesting my name to the Hall Of Fame.

Mr. Widmarc Clark went through an ordeal in order to get my name confirmed as, though raised in the South, I was born in England as many of you know. My grateful thanks to Mr. Clark for going to the wall to get me confirmed. I understand I caused Mr. Clark quite a bit of consternation which he did not deserve.

Many, many thanks to the gentlemen on the board of that organization and especially to Mr. Widmarc Clark for their courtesy and generosity. I am both extremely proud and honored.

This award will fit nicely among my other knick-knacks as it now has a beautiful frame which was selected for just that purpose.

"Hang on to your Confederate money boys....the South shall rise again!"

God Bless You All!
John Rhys/BluePower.com