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Saturday, September 24, 2005

Terry Evans Has A 'Fire In The Feeling'!

I first met Terry Evans during the late seventies at my studio in Hollywood. I was doing a session at Hollywood Central Recorders when I received a phone call from an engineer friend who was working a date at Hollywood Sound Studios just up the street. My friend was having trouble making an edit and asked if I would help. I told him to come over with the tape and I would see what I could do.

When he arrived, he was in tow with two black gentlemen; Bobby King and Terry Evans. They were working on an album for Warner Brothers at the time.

I loved to edit tape, especially two inch tape.

While I was making the edit, I had the opportunity to hear the song. Terry had most of the lead with Bobby singing harmony. I heard it then and I still hear it now. Terry sings with a heart as large as life itself. He sings from compassion, from tough lessons learned in life and a gentleness, so rarely found in today's world.

This is a man who has been making music for over 40 years. It's what he does and....what he does best.

'Fire In The Feeling' is a combination of all Terry has felt and learned during his life. A rousing yet sensitive effort that deserves hearing and feeling.

I had the opportunity to coerce Terry into coming by my home for a cup of tea. When I had him comfortable, I turned on the machines and we talked a bit and played a few of his favorite cuts from his new CD and some of the previous ones. Nothing is written as you can probably tell. The music speaks for itself.

Listen to....Mr. Terry Evans!