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Friday, August 26, 2005

Stevie Ray Vaughan Remembered!

Today, August 26th, 2005 marks the 15th anniversary of
Stevie Ray Vaughan's last show before he passed on
tragically in a helicopter accident in the early
morning hours of August 27th, 1990.

Stevie had an immeasurable impact on my life as a
musician. In every interview he would talk about his
heroes and the guys he looked up to,...so I'd go seek
out records by these guys. Albert Collins, Magic Sam,
Hubert Sumlin, Albert King,...the list goes on and on.
I bought, borrowed and stole recordings and soon my
Blues CD, tape, and vinyl collection was chock full o'
amazing music from the Delta, Texas, Chicago and
beyond. Stevie, along w/ records by B.B. King, and
Buddy Guy got me hooked on the Blues.

Stevie also talked alot about his battles with alcohol
and drugs as well as his relationship with God. He
seemed by all accounts to be one amazing person. A
person that I never got to meet, but feel as though
I've gotten to know through his music, interviews, and
testimonials by his friends, family, and fans.

I was lucky to see SRV live in concert the summer of
1990 before he died. I'd only been hip to him for a
short time before, having had a friend loan me his
record output up to that point which was 4 LPs.
Remember LPs?

Anyhow,...putting those vinyl slabs on my parents
record player back in the late 80s and then being able
to see the man himself perform live were a couple of a
very few life changing events that I've had as a
musician and it forever altered my direction as a
player, listener, and fan.

For that, I will always feel blessed and grateful.

Thank you Stevie.


Alastair Greene

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