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Monday, August 08, 2005

I'm As Mad As Hell And I'm Not Going To Take This Anymore!

From: BluePower.com
By: John Rhys

I'm sure many of you remember that famous quote from the movie, Network. Peter Finch stands in his window looking over New York City and screams, "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore."

The time has come Brother and Sisters, to stand up for America. I, personally, cannot tollerate what is going on in my name any longer.

We have been taken down a road that has been built on lies, murder and deception; all in the name of decent, hard-working Americans.

Tonight, BluePower will begin producing one hour shows devoted to uncovering the truth and peeling away the web of lies spun for our "protection" against the "so-called" terrorist networks. Many of which our fearless leaders developed in the first place.

I'm beginning to wonder where the real terrorists reside. Soon we shall see.

Music has always been the great truth.... for when the musicians warm up their pipes and start to sing, the truth to the people is exposed. It's time for Americans to take back what is rightfully theirs: our beloved country and it's Constitution.

It's time to stop sending our young (and mostly underprivileged) young people into the valleys of death to uphold corporate greed and profit.

"I'm As Mad As Hell And I'm Not Going To Take This Anymore!"

God Bless Us All!

Stay Tuned!