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Thursday, July 21, 2005

Walter Trout...."Ride Til I'm Satisfied"....The DVD!

From: BluePower.com
By: John Rhys

A couple of years ago, BluePower finally managed to wrest Walter Trout and the band away from their busy schedule to come into Rotund Rascal Studios in North Hollywood to record half a dozen songs live to two track.

While they were doing this, Steve Altman shot the session with one camera so that we could preserve the moment for posterity.

Later, Steve took it upon himself to put together one song with the video. It took a great deal of finagling to get the DVD to come out right as utilizing only one camera, he had to pull shots from other sections of the video in order to piece together the song.

BluePower used the DVD in a contest in which over 5000 people entered to win one of four DVD's made.

Here is that DVD with all it's foibles. However; if you're a guitar player, there are some amazing shots of Walter and the fingerboard during the main solos. A must for any guitar player in the process of learning to play leads.

....Quicktime Format Required