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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Hello fret2fret.com....Are You There?

From: BluePower.com
By: John Rhys

Since posting the new BluePower, I have had the exemplary pleasure of watching Google ads roll by as I checked the site day by day. The first time I saw what those tiny ads had attributed to our bank account, I decided to check the ads myself just to add the extra penny (we need all the cash we can find) per click through.

I enjoy doing this as it is quite new to me. It's not a lot by any means, just pennies, but it's verification that the net can pay if you work it. And I love to work it.

Tonight, whilst adding 5 cents (clicking five ads) to my bank account, I discovered something that intrigued me. An ad professing to give incredible guitar skills in just 45 minutes. I thought it would be interesting to see if the method really works and looked for a place to email the gentleman owning these remarkable teaching skills. Alas....there was no way of reaching this man, company....whatever. You could however; go directly to PayPal to purchase the product when you clicked what you thought was the email link.

Now you have to understand, I am suspicious by nature as I have been in the music business most of my life. All I wanted to do was ask the gentleman to let me review the technique and rate it.

If anyone knows the gentleman running this site, please have him write to blupwr@sbcglobal.net. I would love to improve my guitar skills and I'm sure a lot of our viewers would as well.

This is simply an invitation to see if what he claims really works as I have great pride in what ads float around on our site. I wouldn't like them to be misleading for our viewers sake.

Perhaps the site is new and has a few bugs. This is not a challenge but a test to see if those claims are true. It would be wonderful if they were.

Shall we see?